What You Should Know to Avoid Adoption Scams

    Oct 25, 2022

    Recent changes in the social and legal landscape make adoption scams more likely than ever before. If you are considering adoption, it’s crucial you take the right steps to protect yourself and your family. A scam can be highly convincing, and scammers prey upon people with good intentions.

    What Kinds of Adoption Scams Exist?

    One common adoption scam is when the would-be adoptive parents are approached by someone who is not actually pregnant. The fraudulent “birth mother” asks for financial support and may fabricate details of doctor visits including providing a fake sonogram picture, only to disappear after a few months pass by.

    Another adoption scam is related to international adoption. You may be contacted by an overseas group that is not qualified to organize adoptions. This type of fraud relies on the language barrier and difficulty getting clear information to extort fees from prospective parents while offering nothing in return.

    More rarely, adoptions can fall under additional legal scrutiny because, despite having pure intentions, the birth mother or others do not follow required steps. This can happen, for example, when a person wishes to make an adoption plan but does not make the necessary legal steps to ensure it is legal and ethical.

    Six Tips to Avoid Adoption Scams

    Luckily, you can take the right actions now to avoid adoption scams. The sooner you recognize a scam, the easier it is to prevent it from causing any delay or damage to your plan to adopt a child. During the adoption journey, be sure to keep these tips in mind:

     Choose Trusted Adoption Professionals

    For a successful adoption, you need the right experts in your corner. That starts with an adoption attorney in your area. With the help of a qualified adoption attorney, you can get contact details on adoption agencies known to provide a safe and supportive experience for everyone involved.

     Know Your Prospective Birth Parents

    Depending on the type of adoption you have planned, you may have a life-long relationship with the expectant and birth parents. Lay the foundation of a healthy relationship now by getting to know them, establishing expectations and boundaries so you can work together throughout the adoption and your child’s life.

     Take Notes Along the Way

    When a scam is taking place, the person trying to deceive you will certainly contradict themselves at some point in the process. Take notes in meetings with birth parents and adoption professionals where possible. Never record a conversation without explicit consent of everyone being recorded.

     Be Cautious of Financial Transfers

    As with anything else in life, you should never pay cash for anything related to your adoption and its associated expenses and ideally any expenses should be paid through your agency or attorney unless they direct you otherwise. Money should always pass through a trusted intermediary such as an adoption attorney or agency.

     Be Alert to Any Ongoing Scams

    Like other types of scams, adoption scams come and go. Today’s digital technology makes it simpler for new scammers to launch potentially dangerous schemes. Your adoption attorney is a trusted guide you can come to for information and advice on what to look out for in your situation.

     Double-Check the Credentials of Any Adoption Agency

    An experienced adoption agency tends to be better able to provide services. New agencies do arise from time to time, but be sure they are fully licensed and legitimate in your state. Contact the State Licensing Specialist for your state to learn any pertinent details about a private adoption agency before you begin. Always ask “are you a licensed child placing agency?” which is a yes or no question. If yes, proceed with your due diligence on the agency. If the answer is no (or anything other than a clear yes) then contact an attorney in your state before proceeding.

    The right attorney smooths the path to a faster, less stressful adoption.

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